


Welcome to VCSF. Thank you for taking the time to search for my website. Before we begin, you’re probably thinking what the hell does VCSF even mean? Well, it’s my first-borns initials. His name is Vincent Charles Sergio Filotrani.

I always knew that when I finally opened my own salon I wanted a name that had significance to me, something that had nothing to do with hairdressing. Salon names are so predictable, reaching from the cliché to the awkward, the egocentric to the plain ridiculous. I might as well have called it ‘It’ll grow back’. 

My little salon is not like any other. I work on my own. It’s just me and you the client. I look after you from beginning to end. The experience is not for everyone. There is a certain intensity that comes with a one on one exchange that some find uncomfortable, I can see that. I don’t do coffees or teas, magazines or head massages. I believe the product is what you pay for.

My expertise, through years of experience, relies heavily on the ability to understand hair, understand how it moves, how it falls and to have insight into what it will do when it hasn’t been styled. Of course I style the hair when i’ve finished cutting or colouring, but I want my clients to be able to wash their hair at home and then style it and get close to what did in the salon. Great haircuts last, the shape continues to hold as it grows out. It’s what I aim for every time I cut hair. Through years of practise, working with all kinds of hair and head shapes, I have mastered my own techniques which allow me to cut hair at the highest level.

It’s paramount that you take time to read through the copy on this website. It’s an essential guide as to what to expect when you come to VCSF. I know it’s arrogant of me to ask, I know time is precious, but it’s really important

I’m proud to admit that I’m not affiliated to any product range. I believe my knowledge of hair products is what I give to my clients, to empower them to make their own choices about what to buy, that way there is always transparency and honesty between us. It’s what great relationships are built on, which leads me to my next point, hairdressing is as much about the craft as the people that populate it. The exchange between client and hairdresser still fascinates me and it’s part of why I’m still totally addicted to what I do. 

Thanks again for reading and I look forward to meeting you sometime.

Yours Marcus.